Wednesday, January 19, 2011

mmm english tea.

my sister is singing and eating her third serving of food since she's got back from school. my mom was late to pick her up. two hours late? after they both got back, mom ran out the door again. she said she had work.
I had a burger, half of this crab cake. now, some english tea. I also had a cookie and some gummy penguins. I was looking into jobs that I could plan on getting after I get my bachelors in fine arts. there weren't many, surprise surprise. I'd be pretty content just working for a small gallery, make minimum wage, I don't really care for too much money after I have enough to buy essentials (car, make rent, food, etc).
What else... I SAW THE KING'S SPEECH. I really enjoyed it. A nice little bedtime story. I think I mentioned already in the last post that I saw the Green Hornet, BLEH, terrible compared to the King's Speech.
What else.. Oh yeah, I don't know if I mentioned this also in the last post but.. I'd really like to take some philosophy courses this coming fall. I'm not sure if I'm going to have room in my schedule since I'm transferring and the foundation courses are different at MICA. I really hope so. :D
Sigh.. what else.. I have my driving test this Saturday. I'm very nervous. I still can't get down parallel parking by myself. I still need someone to tell me when to stop or keep going in. It's terrible considering how many hours I've spent practicing already. I'm probably going to end up going with Jamie and using his car for the test since I've been practicing with it. And I should be getting my THIRD copy of my permit before my test at 11:30. Hopefully, I'll have it in time for my driving test or I'm going to be devastated.  I saw on facebook earlier today that a friend of mine's grandmother passed today. For the past few months I've spoken to her, she's been talking about tending to her grandmother every day and how she hasn't ever been apart from her.
I'll write more later. sister bonding time is in session.

euw, people who think theyre better than you.
I'm eating so much. lots of tea, coffee, cookies, korean food, crab cake, candy..
I really want to go to coachella.. I think a friend of mine and I might go on a road trip to go see ACL over in Texas? A road trip sounds like so much fun, I really hope we end up working something out.
I need to find a job first. I applied to many today thanks to Monster.
What else.. I don't know. Right now, all that is on my mind is, bad friends are gross.
My sister woke up from her nap. I had some nyquil earlier. Feeling sleepy and fat.
I really hope things work out with this whole getting-a-car business.
My mom just came home from playing soccer. I think she's going to take medical training classes to become a pharmacist. I'm glad she's doing something.
Jenny is talking about how she kept her spanish work packets and how now, she has many study guides.
I'm so full. I did the dishes... So full. OH YEAH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU.
A museum responded back to me about volunteering. They said they'll need me to work on February 11th.! From 6 pm to 2 am though. =\
And then there is a volunteer meeting on the 26th? Shit, I should check that.


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